Plant-Based Diet vs The Four Food Groups
Plant-based diets are good for the environment, your heart, your weight, and your overall health. Most traditional doctors give very ...

Juicing VS Chewing
Many people don't really understand the hype about juicing and why they can't just eat the fruit/vegetables and get the ...

The New Green Revolution
As our environment becomes increasingly polluted and the death rate due to cancer continues to climb, the only hope we ...

The Secret Reason We Eat Meat
This 17-minute animated video, narrated by Dr. Melanie Joy, provides startling yet little-known facts about the psychology of eating meat ...

The Root To All Diseases
There are 15 million people walking around with heart disease. Over 600,000 people are dying from that one condition. There ...

My Live Blood Analysis
Recently I had the privilege of having a live blood analysis with Lou Corona…(the first action that Lou suggests that his clients ...

How Lou Corona Received the Four Principles
Lou Corona, commonly known as the "Healthiest Man in the World" is a Holistic Health Educator who travels all over ...

Lou Corona’s 2nd Principle in a Day
What you can do now to practice Lou Corona's 2nd Principle EARTH: Walk in nature and eat plants from organic, mineral ...

The Story of Lou Corona
Lou Corona Lou Corona, commonly known as the "Healthiest Man in the World" is a Holistic Health Educator who travels ...

Proof that Gut Bacteria is Linked to Disease
Recently, researchers have found a direct link between gut bacteria and Parkinson's disease, a very common debilitating brain disorder. A team of scientists ...

Puradyme Programs
PuraDymes OPTIMIZE Program was designed to optimize a healthy diet and lifestyle, allowing for better absorption of nutrients, while aiding ...

What Are Probiotics?
Probiotics are "good" live bacteria and yeasts that are similar to the Probiotics naturally found in your body. Your body ...

What is inside an Enzyme?
So what are Digestive Enzymes? Digestive enzymes are biologically active proteins that convert food into small molecules so that ...

Trash everything in your Fridge!
This article is about emptying your entire fridge into a large trash bag. It's a good idea to do this ...

Why I Take Enzymes With Meals
In Eastern Europe, where I grew up, we almost always cooked frozen vegetables to a mushy substance. It was pretty ...

How To Make the Lemon Ginger Blast
The Lemon Ginger Blast will clean and wash the system from the inside out. Drinking this on a daily basis is ...

Why You Should Never Eat Peanuts
If you've grown up in the U.S., you've probably had a taste of the ‘famous’ Peanut butter and Jelly sandwich at some ...

Lou Corona’s Free Webinar
Lou Corona's rare one hour webinar that has only been seen live until now ...

Questions and Answers with Lou Corona
Published by Tribestlife in the Holiday 2014/2015 issue Q: How did you get started on this path to true health? Lou: It ...

Who is Lou Corona?
Lou Corona, Holistic Health Educator and founder of Puradyme, teaches the four principles to health and longevity and assists people ...

Facts about Enzymes
Facts About Enzymes The fuel our body gets comes from the food our body is fed. When we cook our ...